Thursday, 6 May 2010

Drama: Classroom experience - Video

This video shows a dramatized reading, lead and supported but the teacher who adopts the role of the narrator of the story. The children are using self-made masks, once again demonstrating that the drama class allows for both, the development of communication and creativity.

The students are obviously very motivated and involved in the activity as will be yours- guaranteed!

Obviously we would have to plan this activity differently if we had a full class, since they lose their concentration and involvement in the moment after a while because of having to wait for their line to come up, and that would defeat the whole point.

We could also think of ways of getting the students away from the text in order to explore the characters by using the space, their body language...

Masks are really good for shy students but I personally prefer not to use them too much, since we want to be able to hear their pronunciation properly and it is very important for them to explore facial gestures.

Also, we want the students to produce their own language, that is why we are facilitating a meaningful and motivating context, thus the drama class does not necessarily imply memorizing long scripts or obsessing about perfect grammatical structures.

You can find lots of tested and proven successful creative drama classroom lesson plans here.

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